12 de març 2006

DVD Allaus - Time is life

Us passo un link interessant per adquirir un DVD que descriu com actuar en cas d'allau, i aspectes mèdics del rescat. Costa 25€ (sol·licitarem al Club la seva adquisició, però si us interessa aquí ho teniu):


Bones traces!

Medical Training in Avalanche Rescue
English – Croatian – French – German – Italian – NORWEGIAN – Polish – Slovak – Slovenian - Spanish

On this DVD you find
A self running presentation of 78 minutes in ten languages about all medical aspects of the avalanche accident, playable with any DVD player (PC or stand alone).
A Power point presentation for PC or Mac OS of 137 slides and videos for complete or selected oral presentations.
An interactive test and evaluation.
Hermann Brugger, M.D. Emergency doctor of the Mountain Rescue Service provided by the South Ty­rolean Alpine Association, Chairman of the International Commission for Mountain Emergency Medicine, Assistant Professor at the Innsbruck Medical University, Bruneck, Italy.
Bruno Durrer, M.D. Emergency doctor of the Alpine Rescue Service, Swiss Alpine Club, Air Glaciers, Past President of the Medical Commission of the International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation, Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland.
Hans-Jürg Etter, Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, Chairman of the Avalanche Commission of the International Commission for Alpine Rescue IKAR, Davos, Switzerland.
Bruno Jelk, Mountain Guide, Head of Mountain Rescue Station Zermatt, Chairman of the Ground Mountain Rescue Commission of the International Commission for Alpine Rescue IKAR, Zermatt, Switzerland.
Gilbert Habringer, Senior Pilot of ÖAMTC, Chairman of the Air Rescue Commission of the International Commission for Alpine Rescue IKAR, Innsbruck, Austria.

Edited and approved by
International Commission for Mountain Emergency Medicine ICAR MEDCOM
Medical Commission International Mountaineering & Climbing Federation UIAA MEDCOM
IKAR Avalanche Commission
IKAR Ground Mountain Rescue Commission
IKAR Air Rescue Commission

The DVD is…
…intended for skiers, snowboarders and mountaineers, who walk or ski in snowy mountainous terrain. It is also addressed to rescue personnel, paramedics and physicians who are, or may become, involved in avalanche rescue.
…composed of numerous photographs and videos focusing on all medical aspects of the avalanche accident. In addition, the impact of equipment to improve your survival is discussed. It is based on an international consensus of opinion of the most experienced experts in this field and offers a unique and excellent programme for training in avalanche rescue.

Total playing time:
78 minutes